2 Essential Templates for an A+ Partnership Between UXR & ReOps
Utilize templates to start research off on the right foot. Get templates for defining responsibilities and hosting a kickoff meeting.
It’s important to start your research off on the right foot. 👟There are two ways to do so:
- understand the responsibilities of those involved (e.g. the UXR/requester and ReOps)
- hold a kickoff meeting
And to continually start off on the right foot (and keep you on track throughout), we recommend utilizing templates.
A quick plug for templates…templates will help you:
- automate your workflows ⚙️
- create consistent processes 🔂
- save more time ⏰
- empower your researchers 💪
- conduct and enable more impactful research 💥
- optimize your participant management and recruitment 🔋
Luckily, you don’t have to worry about creating your own template — we’ve done that for you! 🤗 But first, here are some details on why defining responsibilities and holding a kickoff meeting are so important, plus a peek into what you’ll find within our downloadable templates.
Before you begin — defining responsibilities
It’s essential to understand the roles of both the UXR and ReOps in a research study. Within each element of the research study timeline, there are individual responsibilities and tasks that are unique to the requester/UXR and the ReOps lead or person handling ReOps. Defining those and making sure they are clearly understood means nothing falls through the cracks and that no one person is doing it all. 😓
⚠️ Quick disclaimer: This template is just an example meant as a starting point for discussing the split of responsibilities with your colleagues. Make sure to adapt it to your own organization.
For example, with the first step “Submit & review request,” the UXR/requester must create the research plan, submit the request, and create a screener. Then ReOps must review the request, fill out the template for the kickoff (more on this below), schedule the kickoff, and create NDAs and consent forms as needed.
When all parties clearly understand their responsibilities, your research study will be efficient, compliant, and optimized.

When you start — hosting a kickoff meeting
After you’ve defined and communicated responsibilities, and you have a research study ready to go, it’s time to host a kickoff meeting. The goal of your kickoff call should be that once the call has ended, Research Ops is ready to begin recruiting.
A clear agenda will help this meeting run smoothly and be most effective for those who attend. Important topics to discuss include screeners/surveys, research plan, and participant criteria. For a more in-depth breakdown of the discussion points, plus a checklist of to-do items that should be completed before the call, you can check out our customizable template that you can also use to take notes during your kickoff call.

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