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October 9, 2024

6 steps for building and launching collaborative UX Research studies

User Research is all about collaboration, but things can get tricky when you don’t have a solid plan in place. Miscommunication, bottlenecks, and silos? They’ll slow your research down, block key partners from getting involved, and leave valuable insights on the table. No one wants that. 

So, what’s the solution? Streamlining how teams work together is key if you want to really maximize the impact of your research and make sure those insights are seen by the entire organization. Here’s how to get there.

What makes collaboration hard?

Even when you know it’s worth it, collaboration isn’t always easy. Here’s why it gets tough in research settings:

  • Disparate tools: When teams use different systems that don’t integrate well, it’s harder to share insights and data effectively. Customer information, participant data, and research results can be spread across databases, making it difficult to track progress or maintain consistency.
  • Lack of research education or awareness: Not everyone is a research pro, and that’s okay. But when people don’t get the value of research or don’t see how they fit into the process, they’ll stay in their lanes — and that means missed chances for collaboration.
  • Quality control: Research teams aren’t always made up of people with the same experience level. Keeping quality high across the board can be tough, especially when some are new to the game and others have been doing it forever.
  • Silos and lack of visibility: When teams aren’t communicating openly, they end up working in their own little worlds. It’s easy to miss what others are doing, which creates bottlenecks and misaligned goals.

Why is effective study management important?

At its core, managing a User Research study is about organization and coordination. When your study management is on point, everything else just flows — your research runs smoother, and you get those insights to help guide decision-making.

Clear organization also helps bridge gaps in research knowledge across teams, making the process more transparent and easier to understand for everyone involved. This becomes even more important when you have multiple teams — each with their own schedules and priorities — working together.

Effective study management keeps everyone on the same page, following the same steps and working from the same data. That’s a big deal when you’ve got researchers, product managers, and designers all chipping in. It also means your participant experience stays smooth and consistent, which is huge. After all, your users are your company’s most valuable asset, and a well-organized process helps keep those relationships strong.

Who should be involved in research and why?

Collaborative research isn’t a solo act — it needs input from across the company. Here’s who should be part of the conversation:

  • Product team: They know what’s in the pipeline and can align the research with upcoming product features.
  • Design: Designers help keep the focus on user experience and offer creative solutions that make your research sing.
  • Data science: They analyze the data and spot trends, adding extra depth to your findings.
  • Customer success: They’re the ones talking to users every day and can provide real-time feedback straight from the source.

6 key steps for effective study management

To keep User Research moving forward without sacrificing quality, here are some key steps for managing collaborative studies:

  1. Schedule a kickoff meeting

Start with a kickoff meeting to set clear expectations, roles, and timelines (use this template to ensure you host an effective kickoff). This step is key to making sure everyone knows the study’s objectives, how things will play out, and what’s expected from each team. It’s the easiest way to get everyone on the same page right from day one.

  1. Plan with cross-functional partners

Involve cross-functional partners early in the planning phase, whether they’re product managers, data scientists, or customer success teams. Getting them involved in the planning phase builds buy-in and helps you align on the big stuff — like recruitment, study scope, and deadlines. Plus, it ensures the study is set up to meet everyone’s needs.

  1. Centralize communication and study status

Having all your study details in on place — like a User Research CRM — helps everyone stay organized and reduces the risk of miscommunication. Centralizing communication is crucial. 

With tools like Rally, you can track participant outreach, study status, and messaging — all in one place. Having a clear view of who has been contacted and the current status of each participant helps reduce the chances of miscommunication and keeps everyone stays on the same page throughout the study lifecycle.

  1. Set clear roles and milestones

Define roles and responsibilities upfront, outlining specific milestones for each phase of the study. This keeps accountability clear and ensures each team knows what’s expected and when. Track progress regularly and adjust as needed to make sure everything stays on course.

  1. Regular check-ins

Don’t wait until the end to touch base. Schedule regular check-ins with stakeholders to discuss updates, challenges, and next steps. Regular communication keeps research top of mind, ensuring it’s used in decision-making later. These meetings also help you stay visible as a researcher, increasing the likelihood that your insights will be integrated into future business decisions.

  1. Communicate openly and frequently

Open communication is the foundation of successful collaboration. By consistently sharing updates, potential challenges, and progress, you build trust with your stakeholders. This transparency keeps everyone engaged and ensures that the research remains a collaborative effort from start to finish.

Why collaboration is key to research success

Research thrives when cross-functional partners, from design to product to customer success, are involved early and often. Each of these teams brings a fresh perspective, which helps align your research with the company’s bigger goals.

Collaboration amplifies the impact of research. When different departments work together, they uncover insights you might’ve missed otherwise. The customer success team knows what customers are saying, the product team brings data-driven insights, and design keeps the user experience front and center. This mix of viewpoints gives you research that’s richer and more relevant to what the business needs.

When you’re all working together, you also get faster feedback, more user-centered solutions, and research that actually makes an impact on product and business outcomes. Involving everyone from the start means a smoother process, deeper insights, and bigger results.

Tips for effective collaborative study management

Collaborative study management starts with clear processes and structured workflows. To strengthen collaboration and make your research more effective, here are some key practices:

  • Involve cross-functional partners early and meet them where they are: Don’t wait until you need something to reach out — get your partners involved from the jump. But don’t just ask for a customer list and call it a day. Ask them what they hope to get out of the research, how they see their role, and what they expect. When you involve people like this, it builds trust and keeps everyone aligned. Whether it’s a small task or a big strategic move, explaining why you need their help makes the whole process run smoother and keeps the research tied to the business goals.
  • Utilize templates to streamline processes: Having a repeatable process is key, especially when you’ve got different teams pitching in. Rally’s customizable templates for things like screeners, emails, and study structures make everything faster and more consistent. Plus, they help ensure participants have a seamless experience, no matter who’s running the study. It also guarantees that the important stuff — like consent — is handled the right way, every time.
  • Be transparent and provide visibility into your process: Transparency goes beyond just communication — it’s about offering insight into the entire research process. Rally’s platform gives a clear, bird's-eye view of progress, study status, and key tasks. Cross-functional teams can easily see what’s happening at every step, understand the workload, and know how research efforts fit into broader goals. This kind of visibility helps teams stay aligned and prioritize more effectively.
  • Retro, reflect, and follow-up: Once the study’s done, don’t just move on to the next thing. Take some time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Rally’s reporting tools let you track metrics like time to recruit, email open rates, and how many studies got completed. This data helps you fine-tune your process for next time and shows the real impact research has on the business. Sharing those insights keeps research top of mind and helps connect the dots between what you found and the changes that come from it — even if those changes take a little while to happen.
  • Set clear governance and compliance rules: Protecting participant data and keeping your research ethical is non-negotiable. That means setting up things like cool-down periods between study types, controlling who has access to sensitive data, and tracking participant engagement. Rally’s flexible governance features, like default and custom governance rules, consent templates, custom user roles, and PII/PHI masking make it easy to stay compliant while keeping things efficient and ethical.

These practices help create a User Research environment where collaboration is effortless, data stays secure, and your studies deliver stronger, more actionable insights. 

Why Rally is key to collaborative research and study management

Rally is built to energize your Research Operations and foster seamless collaboration across teams. Our platform empowers everyone — from seasoned UXRs to non-researchers — by providing the tools needed to manage studies with ease and precision.

Here’s how Rally streamlines research collaboration:

Proprietary Study Builder & Templates

Rally’s study builder is designed to make research accessible to all, whether you’re conducting User Research for the first time or running studies regularly. Its intuitive interface allows non-researchers to confidently create and manage studies, while built-in guardrails ensure participants are not overcontacted, and their data is protected and masked where needed. The study builder comes with customizable workflows, screener and study templates, and approval flows, reducing time spent on setup and allowing teams to focus on the actual research.

Default and custom governance rules

Be confident that your users are protected from being over contacted or participating in too much research by relying on Rally’s flexible default governance rules. Many of our customers need to take governance one step further, which is why we created custom governance rules. Use integrations with data warehouses like Salesforce and Snowflake to create governance rules that protect participants based on their NPS scores, upcoming renewal periods, or if they have been contacted outside of Rally. Create governance rules based on survey responses, incentive amounts, or any other property in your Rally workspace. 

Seamless integration with your existing tools

Rally integrates smoothly with data warehouses like Salesforce and Snowflake, so you can sync the latest participant data and keep your studies aligned with the most up-to-date information. Customer information from Rally is also updated and reflected in the Salesforce or Snowflake environment so that your entire company is working from the same dataset. This eliminates silos and brings all relevant data into one platform, streamlining collaboration between research teams and other departments, such as product and customer success.

Granular permissions for controlled access

Rally’s team management and custom user permission settings enable team members to build, launch and conduct research with the correct set of users and associated data. This feature provides teams with the autonomy to manage their work while maintaining the security and integrity of studies.

Efficient scheduling with Rally Scheduler

Scheduling interviews across different time zones becomes effortless with Rally’s integrated scheduler, streamlining User Research scheduling and aligning teams efficiently. Build and schedule 1:1 interviews, round robin style, collective (more than 1 interviewer), or focus groups. Syncs stakeholder availability with work calendars and coordinates sessions smoothly, removing the hassle of managing back-and-forth emails to find availability . This helps keep the research process on track and ensures everyone is aligned throughout the study’s lifecycle.

For example, Webflow’s research team significantly reduced recruitment time by leveraging Rally’s study builder and customizable workflows. By centralizing their Research Operations and involving cross-functional partners early, Webflow has seen an increase in collaboration and a stronger impact from their research efforts.

Support regardless of your recruitment strategy 

Rally supports Research teams regardless of their recruitment strategy. We have customers that are 100% ReOps led, and customers that have a democratization model and enable stakeholders to run their own research at any time. Our platform has been strategically co-created by and for Enterprise Research teams so that they can lock down, or open up, any part of their Research Operations to support the company’s strategy. 

Rally brings everything into one place — templates, governance, scheduling, and participant management — keeping your research team and stakeholders aligned and fostering a culture of collaboration across your entire organization.

Looking ahead

As research continues to evolve, one thing’s for sure — collaboration will be the key to unlocking faster, more inclusive insights. That’s where Rally comes in. We’re here to help your team scale, grow, and work smarter together.

Explore how Rally can revolutionize your research process.
Schedule a demo today and see how Rally’s study builder, templates, and governance tools can empower your team to collaborate better and faster.

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Spend more time researching with Rally

Rally’s User Research CRM enables you to do better research in less time. Find out how you can use Rally to allow non-researchers and important cross-functional partners to responsibly take part in User Research. Explore Rally now by setting up a demo.